this week’s guided reflection I watched the clip from the television show,
Criminal Minds. I chose this one because I love Criminal Minds. There are many
things that go right with this video. The man on the witness stand, Agent
Hotchner, is one of the main characters on Criminal Minds. When the defense
attorney was saying that Agent Hotchner’s job was just a bunch of guess work,
Agent Hotchner did not seem phased by this. He was very calm and answered his
question and then went on to explain the things that he had picked up on with the
defense attorney. This shocked the defense attorney and showed the jury that
his job was not just guess work and that Agent Hotchner is very good at his
job. I honestly cannot really think of anything that Agent Hotchner could have
done better. I really enjoyed this video and it was cool to see what criminal
profilers can do.
funny, too!