can use communicative ethics in many ways as law enforcement officers. As a law
enforcement officer it is very important to have both writing skills and verbal
communication skills. During the career as a law enforcement officer, one will
be asked to write a number of reports. In these reports it is very important to
use the correct words to get the appropriate meaning across. As for verbal
communication skills a law enforcement officer maybe called on the witness
stand during court and the officer will need to act professional when he or she
talks so that way the jury will believe that the officer is good at his or her
job and is good at it. If the officer doesn’t have good verbal skills his
testimony can be torn apart. Communicative ethics are extremely important in
the law enforcement career and I believe that one would not get very far
without these skills.
Obviously, I agree. I am impressed with how clearly and powerfully you articulate a case for communcative ethics for LEOs! thanks, Megan!